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Virtual Voicemail Service by Innoport

Get voicemail service on a virtual phone number from Innoport. The service has a comprehensive list of options that makes keeping track of your voice messages a breeze. Get voicemails in email, check over the phone, or access them directly through the web as a visual voicemail type listing. Advanced features make this a complete business voicemail service suitable for small businesses to large corporations. See below the various features offered.

Virtual Voicemail Service

Receive a virtual voicemail number with the following capabilities:

  • Voicemail to Email: Receive as digital audio files in WAVE format.
  • Voicemail by Phone: Call in to your number to check messages anytime.
  • FTP Delivery: Option to have your messages delivered via FTP or secure FTP.
  • No Busy Signals: Accept simultaneous calls to avoid busy signals.
  • Routing Options: Setup delivery rules for smart routing.
  • Choice of Numbers: Get Local, Toll Free, or International telephone numbers.
  • Long Voicemails: Option to receive up to 60 minutes long voicemails via FTP/download and up to 4 minutes long by email. Pre-set length is 2 minutes.
  • Call-in Dictation mode: Allow callers to pause, rewind, forward, play when recording voicemails to create a dictation system. Learn more >>
Secure Voicemail
  • Encrypted Email (TLS): Use secure SMTP over TLS for encrypted voicemail delivery by email.
  • Secure FTP (SSH and SSL): Messages can be uploaded to your FTP server with SSH or SSL.
  • Secure Web Site: Download or play your messages directly from the website for secure access. Similar to visual voicemail, you can see a listing of your messages and jump to the one you would like to access.
Learn More>>
Advanced Business Voicemail System Features

If you are looking for more than just receiving voicemails on a phone number or if you plan to create a cloud based front end business phone system, look no further as our Business plans offer the following features that allow you to create a complete phone system (for incoming calls):

  • Auto Attendant: Have your calls answered professionally with menu options that will impress your callers and direct the callers to extensions, which can go directly to voicemail or an external phone number, such as your desk phone or mobile phone.
  • Multiple Voicemail Boxes: Easily create multiple mailboxes for different individuals or departments with their own personalized greetings.
  • Call Announce and Screening: Option to have the caller announce their name before taking the call.
  • Custom music on hold (MOH): Upload your custom music to be used for music on hold while callers are waiting.
  • Dial by Name Directory: Setup a dial by name directory easily and modify it anytime.
Beyond Voicemail

As if the above list of features was not enough, there's more! This why our customers find our virtual voicemail offering far superior than what's out there.

  • Combine with fax: From the beginning, our service has been about universal access to messaging, so your virtual phone number can be set to voicemail only, fax only or both and you can change this setting at any time.
  • Set up an announcement line: Do you just need a phone number that can play an announcement and accept no voicemails? Well, just setup your Innoport phone number to announcement only and the caller will not get an option to leave a voicemail. A great feature for employee hotlines, information updates, weather updates, advertisements, closings, and much more.
  • Text To Speech: If recording in your own voice or a professional recording talent is not an option, Innoport provides sophisticated text to speech for generating personal greetings. You can simply enter the text and let a natural sounding voice play it for you. You can also change it anytime.

Learn how to setup virtual voicemail by Innoport! Learn more >>

Interested in our HIPAA compliant voicemail service? Learn more >>

If you have an existing telephone number, we can port it in. There is currently no fee to port in numbers. Learn more >>

Risk free trial for new members! Learn more >>